AdPlexity Review – The World’s Best Competitive Intelligence Service

If you are an Affiliate Marketer you know how important it is to reach your audience through advertisements. Gone are the days where television, radio, and print were the only modes to reach out to the audience. Thanks to so many devices people use these days an average person views more than 4,000 Ads a day, which means you have to make sure you Ad makes a powerful impact on them.
AdPlexity Get Started

Get Started With AdPlexity

Get Started With AdPlexity
Now with everyone on their respective devices throughout their day, you know where to reach the maximum audience. It’s just how effectively you make an impact and communicate is what you need to figure out. One of the most sure-shot ways for affiliate marketers to make a profit in the competitive market is the use of Spy Tools.

Spy tools will give you accurate statistics and methods to run a successful and profit-making Ad campaign. One such spy tool which has made an impact is AdPlexity. Here is a detailed review of AdPlexity and why you should use them.

AdPlexity is a spy tool created by affiliates for the affiliate. This powerful tool allows you to spy on Ads by your competitors across the globe and enables you to examine, view and even copy their Ads. Using this tool will cut down your time and effort which you would have spent on scoring through the Internet researching and evaluating different angles to better your Ads.

AdPlexity cuts through all the outdated ways of keeping a tab on your fellow competitors by developing a competitive intelligence tool with its user-friendly interface. Here are few of their noteworthy features,

  • Advance search engine.
  • Real-time Ad updates.
  • Let’s you search by keyword, advertiser, publisher, affiliate network and more.
  • Largest data collection.
  • Android In-App, Mobile Web, Popups.
  • Download the landing page.
  • Ad stats include type, device, country, size, language, connection, traffic source, affiliate network, and tracking tool.
  • Device integration.
  • Track Ad campaigns from 75 countries.
  • Track hidden campaigns
  • 100 affiliate network

The services offered by AdPlexity is divided into six versions to make it simpler for its customers to choose. You can choose the version best suited for your platform and goals you wish to achieve.

AdPlexity Mobile

Adplexity Mobile

Get Started With AdPlexity Mobile

AdPlexity Mobile is all about Mobile Ads. It covers pop – up Ads, In-App Ads, or Carrier Specific Ads. It covers campaigns running in 75 countries also showing mobile Popup traffic sources, help you analyze in-app Ads, downloads landing page, gives you access to hidden campaigns running on 120+ mobile carrier networks. It also allows you to find out the Affiliate Networks and Tracking tools used by your competitors. Let’s you view their outgoing URL’s from their landing pages.

Pricing for AdPlexity Mobile is offered in Monthly or Yearly package at $199/month per user. Services offered in this package are,

  • Popup Ads data ( 5 networks )
  • Android In-App Ads Data ( 5 Networks )
  • Mobile display Web Ads Data ( 15 exchange )
  • Powerful but easy to use interface.
  • Chat and email support.

AdPlexity Desktop

Adplexity Desktop

Get Started With AdPlexity Desktop

AdPlexity Desktop gives you access to all Desktop Ads running across 75 countries. In spite of maximum people using and promoting Mobile Ads, there is a large chunk of people use desktop. While using AdPlexity Desktop it gives you insight on Desktop Ads carrying Affiliate offers and Desktop Ad exchanges. Let’s download the landing page plus graphics, CSS and JavaScript.

Pricing for AdPlexity Desktop is $199/month per user for a Monthly or Yearly billing. Services offered in this package are,

  • Popup Ads data ( 4 networks )
  • Desktop display Ads data ( 15 exchanges )
  • Data from all major browsers.
  • Powerful but easy to use interface.
  • Download all landing pages with 1 click.
  • Chat and email support.

AdPlexity Native

Adplexity Native

Get Started With AdPlexity Native

AdPlexity Native is dedicated to Native Ads, which lets you view and utilize the top 7 most successful Native Ad Traffic Sources. It covers over 32 countries that cover all major countries, let’s you download landing page with Image, CSS, and JavaScript and send it to you in a .zipfile. It is also compatible with all devices.

Pricing of AdPlexity Native is $249/month per user for monthly as well as Yearly subscription. The services offered in this package are,

  • Native Ads data ( 7 networks )
  • Data from all major devices.
  • Data from all major browsers.
  • Powerful but easy to use interface.
  • Download all landing pages with 1 click.
  • Chat and email support.

AdPlexity Push

AdPlexity Push

Get Started With AdPlexity Push

AdPlexity Push lets you trace Push Ad Campaigns which features push campaigns from across 80+ countries including all major ones. Gives access to traffic from 10+ top push traffic sources. Access to hidden campaigns running on 90+ mobile carrier traffic covers 100+ affiliate networks and lets you download landing pages with images, CSS and JavaScript.

Pricing for AdPlexity Push is $149/month per user for a Monthly and Yearly Subscription. Services offered in this package are,

  • Push Ads Data ( 10+ networks)
  • Powerful but easy to use interface.
  • Download all landing pages with 1 click.
  • Chat and Email support.

AdPlexity eCommerce

Get Started With AdPlexity eCommerce

AdPlexity eCommerce lets you uncover best selling products based on data from real visitors/ buyers, gives you access to competitors’ revenue boosting apps, access to over 100,000 e-commerce stores with their profitable products and apps. Let’s you search and filter through more than 700,000 products. Let’s also search Store, Product or Popular Ads and Facebook Ads. It gives you product information like when it was added, description, last promoted and more.

AdPlexity eCommerce is priced at $199/month per user for a Monthly and Yearly subscription. The services offered in this package are,

  • Access real-time data on top trending products.
  • More than 100,000 stores.
  • More than 70,000,000 products.
  • See product historical pricing changes.
  • Uncover revenue boosting apps used by shops.
  • Powerful but easy to use interface.

AdPlexity Carriers

Get Started With AdPlexity Carriers

AdPlexity Carriers allows you to use Real 3G/ LTE Proxies from 80+ mobile carriers in 30+ countries. It can be used by Affiliates, Ad/Affiliate Network, service/ App developer, Ad Agencies, Mobile Advertisers and Ad Verification Systems.
Let’s monitor your conversion flow of offers you are promoting, uncover carrier-specific offers, bypass Cloakers, see real landing pages, check live banner placements and test dynamic call outs and lets you freely register accounts without the fear of being blocked. AdPlexity offers you real SIM cards, extensive coverage a 4G connection, and stability.

Pricing for AdPlexity Carriers is $149/month per user for Monthly and Yearly Subscription. Services offered in this package are,

  • 500 MB / month data transfer.
  • Used across all mobile carriers.

Now that we have covered all the products and services along with their pricing here are the Pros and Cons before making the final decision.


  • Covers mobile, Desktop, API and Native Ads.
  • Advanced interface
  • Supports Windows, chrome and safari browsers.
  • Largest database of e-commerce stores and products.
  • Let’s you download landing page including graphics, CSS and JavaScript
  • Can search keywords, advertiser, publisher or Affiliate network.
  • It gives you access to 30+ counties with real 3G/ LTE networks.


  • It does not offer a trial period.
  • The interface is complicated to use for a beginner.
  • Pricing is high.


AdPlexity has created a tool keeping in mind all business. Their products are well thought and services offered are the best in the industry of Spy Tools. Even with high pricing it is one of the top spy tools in the market and should definitely be given a try.

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